
One Mom's journey to raise empowered mixed-race children

What is a Mixtkid? Is it only about color?

I’ve been thinking, is a mixtkid only about a child of mixed color, or can it be about kids that are raised in different religious households or maybe even kids that come from households that were once heterosexual or nuclear and have since become homosexual or even kids that were adopted into homosexual families?

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For kids, any household with contention or scrutiny, makes for one that is less peaceful, less comforting. So, to these children, I reach out.

God Knows All - but only if you're OPEN!

God Knows All. Really?

The recent controversy in Boulder Colorado, speaks volumes for how an adult disagreement can directly affect an unsuspecting child. I was born and raised Catholic, so I understand the doctrine. I understand the Church making a decision that speaks strictly for their doctrine and one that is designed to protect that doctrine. However, that in itself, does NOT make it right.

I am no longer a practicing Catholic, nor a member of any specific religion, and for reasons just such as this. Any religion that excludes ANYONE, is not for me. In my simple world, He (Allah, God, Buddah, Jah, etc.) loves us all, regardless of color, religious background, spiritual or sexual orientation.  And if you can keep a big secret, I’m not even sure there is a “God”, so I even embrace the Athiest.  I mean, really, all religions are based on belief and theory.  So, how can I not accept fact or science, right?  Anyway, let’s get back on topic.

What burns me the most about this whole incident; a child, an innocent child, can no longer go back to his/her preschool. Can’t return to past friends, beloved teachers, etc., because of something his/her PARENTS did. So what if the parents were heterosexual and terrorists, murderers, rapists, thieves?  Would the school eject the children of these parents or embrace them and try to help them through their “agony” or “crisis”?

Some might say that these parents didn’t just “do it” and quit, they are “living their life” outside of the Catholic doctrine and that’s grounds for expulsion. Well, I contend there are a whole lot of other parents in that school and church that are NOT living esteemed “Catholic doctrine” lifestyles, and if the Church decided to dig, they wouldn’t even have a school left to operate.  75% of the kids would have to go. Because remember, birth control, divorce, adultery, stealing, fornication, etc., are all against Catholic doctrine.

“Teach acceptance. God loves ALL children”.  A very simple message, spoken and written on the protester signs in Boulder.  I know I will teach my children this awesome message of tolerance and peace for ALL, and I hope you will too!