
One Mom's journey to raise empowered mixed-race children

From the KKK, to Archie Bunker, to…"

“They say I shouldn’t date anyone darker than a paper bag,” he tells her.

SAY WHAT???   So I read this article from CNN (by way of The Frisky) today.  If the above sentence doesn’t get your attention, than you’re definitely reading the wrong blog.

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Anyway, as I read the article, I wasn’t particularly shocked.  I live in California and have a number of Filipino friends and I’ve met a lot of their parents and yes, there is a HUGE amount of racism in that community, primarily amongst the elders.  Funny thing is, I think it’s more of wanting their children to marry White than it is to have them NOT marry Black.  Does that make sense?

My question is this, “is it still the belief that being White or looking Caucasian, gives you an edge in life?”  It got me thinking, times might not have changed as much as we think.  I do believe interracial relationships are more readily accepted than 30 years ago, but has the overall mentality changed?

At times, I get the feeling that even if my marriage is accepted to some people, they secretly think it will fail and my life will be filled with strife. That somehow, I’ve downgraded myself, my life and my kids by marrying outside of my race and in particular, marrying a Black man.

Of course, this isn’t what I think or most of my friends, but I’ve had people ask me straight out, “is it hard”?  Well, yes, marriage is hard.  Kids are hard.   Times are hard.  But overall, my life is easy and that has nothing to do with the color of my husband’s skin, but what’s inside his heart and the hearts of my children.  Maybe I’m just in denial.  Doubtful!

What do you think?  Have we gone from KKK, to Archie Bunker and now to skin tone upgrading?

2 ResponsesLeave one →

  1. THirdly, NO TAXES on payments in Japan. That’s HUGE. Compared to what, a good 35-40% pay cut for the UFC salaries (in the upper brackets). If anything, QJ would take advantage of the tax nullment, and go ahead and go to K-1 before going to the UFC. Even K-1 would pay more than the UFC.

  2. Me&Remi

     /  August 16, 2010

    My grandmother on my father’s side is an African American racist. She hates anyone who isn’t black. My mother isn’t black. She hates her. She loved the fact that I was married until I told her my husband was white. I KNOW racism still exists today and on both sides of the fence. I love my child. I fell in love with my husband. If he had been black, I would not have cared. One female I know has a black child and she is black and she is DETERMINED to find a white man to have a child with because they are “prettier”. Like umm… Hold on that’s not how it should go!!