
One Mom's journey to raise empowered mixed-race children

Von Brunn is a domestic terrorist. PERIOD!

image5080653gVon Brunn, an 88-year-old white supremacist, racist and anti-Semite, opens fire at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and kills a security guard.  88!  What has this world come to?  An elderly man, in his late 80’s, taking a gun, going to the museum and opening fire.  He has a lot of years of hatred built up in him, that’s for sure.

This man, this terrorist, set out to specifically hurt and kill people that were directly associated with anything “Jewish”.  Premeditated, planned, etc.  So, I ask, why then are we not referring to this filth as a domestic terrorist?

If he had been Iranian, Muslim or even a man of color, the media and especially the right wing ranters, would be screaming terrorism.  They’d be spreading fear and going on and on about how “unsafe” we all are.  Blah, blah, blah.

In the CNN article from this morning, it was reported:

Investigators found a notebook in the suspect’s car listing other locations in Washington that he might have considered as targets, a federal official told CNN.

Not only is this premeditated murder, it’s planned terrorism, people!  Call the kettle black, CNN.  I challenge you.  Why don’t you put it in BIG, BLACK letters on your home page “DOMESTIC TERRORIST, VON BRUNN PLANNED ADDITIONAL ATTACKS”.  It’s the truth.

And btw, I read The Diary of Anne Frank as a child and I will have my daughters read her book when they are old enough to understand the tragedy of the Holocaust and they will cry, as I did.  But they will also feel great pride and encouragement, because the human spirit lived on for all Holocaust survivors and for all of us.

artsecurityguardmuseumWe have been planning a complete “national” museum trip in a few years, to see the major museums in the US.  The Holocaust Memorial Museum was already on our list, but now it will have special meaning.

We will remember you, Officer Johns, as we will remember all survivors and victims of genocide, terrorism, hatred, bigotry and racism.

RIP Stephen Tyrone Johns.  You are a true hero.

[pictures from CNN and Talbot County Sheriff’s office]

3 ResponsesLeave one →

  1. Cynthia Gee

     /  June 11, 2009

    Von Brunn advocated terrorism. Von Brunn also has close ties to “Captain Eric May”, and it appears that May himself advocated terrorism and may have ties to Steve Reimink (the real owner of Von Brunn’s website), and to various Islamic groups:




    Get a load of THIS comment by Von Brunn, followed by May’s response, where Von Brunn called for a group of “five or six well equipped martyrs” to take action against our government:


    Re: Pravda Article – WTC and Bush

    james von brunn wrote:


    I’m of the opinion that only a military coup d’etat can save our once great Republic. And soon. However, a coup is doubtful as the military too has been infected by the Marxist/Liberal/Jew virus.

    Perhaps we must settle for a team of Special
    Forces, say six (6) well-equipped martyrs. Count me in.

    I’m most obliged at your praise, Mr. Von Brunn! Writers always have their vanities, even when they’re doing military missions. For what it’s worth, I called for a military coup d’etat on the night of July 28, 2005, when the Bush Boyz tried to blow up Texas City last time.

    You can find it in an article published shortly afterwards at http://www.vfvs.com/GhostTroopCaptainEricMay.html or you can listen to it as I called for it, in the second of the two interviews at http://www.cloakanddagger.de/media/Captain%20May/capt1.htm

    Again, thanks for the encouragement. I’m sure that you’ve endured the same kinds of frustrations that I have in the course of your infowar, whenever it began. I’d sure like to turn the Texas City Inquest into a public tribunal for the Jewish Zionists and the Bush Boyz who took their advice and used their media like (embedded) whores. Yours, CPTMAY

  2. PJ

     /  June 11, 2009

    That old man is a TERRORIST! Feeling better? I’m just glad the guard stopped him from killing children. I’m so sorry he paid for it with his life. All this extremism is giving America a bad name.

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