
One Mom's journey to raise empowered mixed-race children

Category: Education

“Mom, is Micah average?”

I’m sure all you parents out there can relate.  The “what, why, who” questions started a few years ago, but now they’ve progressed to word definitions.  So when PJ asked me if her baby sister was average, I didn’t know what to say.  I sort of floundered and then responded, “I guess so.”  Which was […]

My Daughter can’t Roll her Rrrr’s…

Last night, my daughter, PJ, a first grader, was watching Hi5 with her little sister and they were singing a song with some Spanish words and accents.  Well, since I’m Mexican, you’d assume I would speak Spanish and therefore, so would my children, right?  Well, not so fast.  See, I grew up in Utah and […]

Multiracial Student Experience: What Faculty and Campus Leaders Need to Know

It was the first day of a sociology graduate course on race and students were going around the table introducing themselves and their areas of interest. When it was my turn, I stated my name and described my interest in the racial identity development of multiracial people and how such identities might affect our current […]