
One Mom's journey to raise empowered mixed-race children

Sometimes, I wish I were a fly on the wall….OK, maybe a bee!

Bee Tornado?Yesterday, my daughter’s school yard had a HUGE swarm of bees come out of no where. As PJ put it, “it was a tornado of bees!”. Scary, right?

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Well, last night, we get a call from the Principal (I played it on speaker since I was cooking dinner). The Principal starts off explaining about the bees and that they will close the playground if the bees return, etc. Then she gets serious and says, “Parents, PLEASE talk to your kids about being calm in an emergency. The screaming & running was very dangerous.” I then look over at PJ and raise my brow. Guess how big her eyes were?

I wanted to LMAO! But I tried to be serious about emergencies, etc. Didn’t work. She got all loud and said, “YOU just don’t know. I was a HERO!” I’m thinking, what is she talking about. She then says, “Me and KC, we rescued the kids.” I said, “You what?”

She proceeds to tell me the story….

Amongst all the screaming and running, most of the kids got back to the classroom safely. However, after a complete assessment, the kids (no teacher yet) determine there are missing children. Jonathon, a rather tall and older boy in the class says, “OK, who’s the fastest?” All the kids yell, “PJ and KC!” Jonathon turns to the door and says, “OK, you two run back out there and rescue the rest of the class.” Say what!?!

So they did. PJ and KC, super BEE heroes, run back out to the mayhem of screaming children and rescued the rest of the class!

Take that Mrs. Principal. I think these kids deserve a medal. Way to go, KC and PJ! My SUPER BEE HEROES!

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  1. aw.. that’s adorable but what’s with the dude that let the kids into a sworm of bee’s ?