
One Mom's journey to raise empowered mixed-race children

Without even trying…

So I started a new playgroup.  My last one was purposefully intended to attract mixed race children and it worked out great.  Things got a little hard with logistics and I was tired of paying Meetup.com’s fees, so the group sort of faded out. archway group payday loans But now, a year later, it’s on […]

From the KKK, to Archie Bunker, to…"

“They say I shouldn’t date anyone darker than a paper bag,” he tells her. SAY WHAT???   So I read this article from CNN (by way of The Frisky) today.  If the above sentence doesn’t get your attention, than you’re definitely reading the wrong blog. fast payday loans bad credit Anyway, as I read the article, […]

Wow! It's been a LONG time….

Ok, I know, I know.  I haven’t written in a LONG time.  I can tell you all the reasons why and make every excuse, but really, it boils down to the simple fact…it’s been MAD crazy around my house.  From long term house guests, to newborn babies (not mine), to car selling and replacing, to […]