
One Mom's journey to raise empowered mixed-race children

I used to love Chicago….

Wow!  I guess if ever in Chicago and visiting Mother’s Night Club, beware!


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Because, if you are of the “darker” persuasion, you better wear skinny jeans.  Even then, I’m not sure it will work.  You see, on Saturday, October 17, 2009 several seniors from Washington University had reservations at Mother’s Nightclub Original. Six of these seniors happened to be Black and show up at the club together.  All six were denied access because the manager said their pants were too baggy.  OK.  That’s not unreasonable, right?  Clubs do have dress codes. Well…not so fast!

Regis Murayi, Class Treasurer and one of the Black seniors denied entrance, changes pants with a White student. The White student, whom is shorter than Regis and thinner, then heads back to Mothers and is let inside.  To top it off, Regis, whom also changes pants, much tighter this time, attempts to re-enter and is DENIED.

I am shocked.  Not that this happened, but that it happened in Chicago and at a planned event.  But more than anything, I’m just curious.  Is this still a norm in this country?  I mean, blatant racism?  Has this ever happened to you?  What did you do?  I’d like some feedback.  I have always viewed Chicago as a more forward thinking, liberal and welcoming city.  Hmmmmm……

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